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This volume on the transition from the Habsburg Empire to its successor states offers a new picture of these events from a local perspective, one that highlights a generally less-known historical path foregrounding non-political processes and the possibilities in history rather than determined outcomes. We therefore invite you to take this book, which takes the form of mosaic, as a starting point to rethink the history of those lands that were formerly part of the Habsburg Empire.
What was new? What was inherited? Which elements of the Habsburg imperial legacy were demolished, and which were simply refurbished for new use?
The histories of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe in the twentieth century are, in part, the histories of what people did with the legacies of the Habsburg Empire after it had ceased to function. More generally, political and social transitions are a fundamental part of the human experience in a shared European history, and this volume wants to bring forward this human element in that story.
From 2018 to 2023, a nine-person team conducted research in the framework of a European Research Council Consolidator Grant project entitled “Negotiating post-imperial transitions: from remobilization to nation-state consolidation. A comparative study of local and regional transitions in post-Habsburg East and Central Europe” (grant agreement no. 772264)—or NEPOSTRANS for short.
- Uvod
- Naši prijatelji – Švicarji, Belgijci, Francozi, Romuni, Čehi, Jugoslovani. Lokalne in transnacionalne gospodarske mreže ter usoda avstro-ogrske poslovne elite – Gospodarska tranzicija
- »Nevarni nemiri« v »vročem poletju« 1917 – Naraščajoče delavsko gibanje ter spopad med mestom in podeželjem med prvo svetovno vojno in po njej – Spopad v mestih
- Proti »zakonu narave«: Poletni čas in lokalni izvor regionalizma na avstrijskem Tirolskem – Regionalizem
- Monarhija ali republika, nacionalna država ali mikrodržava? Vizije državnosti v srednji in jugovzhodni Evropi v prvih trenutkih postimperialne tranzicije, 1918-20″ –Oblika države
- Podporniki odhoda in ostajniki: Samooblikovanje madžarskega javnega uslužbenkca, ki je zapustil Veliko Romunijo – Migracije in državljanstvo
- »Hiša, v kateri smo živeli, je bila požgana.« Staro in novo, habsburška preteklost kot negativna ali pozitivna referenčna točka – diskurzi
- Podobe nacionalizacije? Razmišljanja o šolstvu v lokalnem postimperialnem okolju – Šole in kulturna politika
- Zasebne podlage vse večjega poseganja države v gospodarstvo. Češka tekstilna podjetja in preoblikovanje trga lanu, 1915-1925 – Poseganje v gospodarstvo.
- Povzetek: (Post)imperialni kontekst brez imperija?
Gábor Egry
Erzsébet Haid-Lener
Ignácz Károly
Cody Inglis James
Anikó-Borbála Izsák
Ivan Jeličić
Jernej Kosi
Plyer Ségolène
Christopher Wendt
Ta publikacija temelji na raziskovalnem projektu (http://1918local.eu/).