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A kötetet a Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung gondozta.
The »scarcity« of care: this is the motif at the core of this most impressive interdisciplinary and transnational collection. Focussing on care migration from and in Central and Eastern Europe, it investigates the care drain, but also care gain, the transnational juxtaposition of social inequalities, the emergence and regulation of care markets, the work and life of care givers, moments of resistance and strategies of community building. Noémi Katona‘s and Attila Melegh’s book is a very exciting new addition to the vivid international debate on the forced commodification and transnationalisation of care and care work. It invites readers to take an informative and inspiring voyage through the sending and receiving countries and provides a profound insight into their commonalities and differences, as well as into the functionality and contradictions of care migration.
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Aulenbacher, Professor of Sociological Theory and Social Analysis and Head of the Department for the Theory of Society and Social Analyses, Institute of Sociology, Johannes Kepler University Linz
The volume elaborates the transnational dimension of the crisis of care from a central and eastern European perspective, and with its case studies it provides a differentiated account of the macroeconomic processes and institutions driving the demand and the supply sides of care migration. A wake-up call for policymakers and those still uncritically embracing the illusion of an EU of equals.
Eszter Kováts, political scientist, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Political discussion of the ageing population has been going on for some time in EU coun- tries. But the discussion on decent working conditions for low-skilled migrants in the care industry is poorly reflected in EU migration policy and migration regulations in compari- son to the issue of high-skilled labour. The value of this book is its multifaceted approach and selection of case studies. The book will be useful not only for experts in migration studies, but also for students of law, public policy, sociology and economics, enabling them to better understand the complexity of relations between the labour market, family care migration and regulations.
Dr Irina Molodikova, Leader of the Project on Migration and Security in the Post-Soviet Space, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Despite the fact that transnational migration has long been the subject of academic inquiry, the topic of care migration has largely been ignored, even though its share in female labour migration is immense. The volume addresses transnational care migration to and from Central and Eastern Europe from the sociological and anthropological perspectives.
This volume is about liminality, that is, the liminal position of central and eastern European countries in the context of care migration: they are both sending and receiving coun- tries, both actors and beneficiaries of a »care drain«, both producers and recipients of »care chains«, both »from the East« and not really »from the East«, and thus occupying an ambivalent, in-between position in the marketisation of care.
Lika Tsuladze, Associate Professor of Sociology at Tbilisi State University and Executive Director of Center for Social Sciences (CSS)
Ezrek vándorolnak a keleti országokból jól szituált idős nyugati polgárokat gondozni. A Népszava interjúja Katona Noémival